
This is the homepage of Zeshui Li. My research interests are Wireless Sensing and Internet-of-Things. Welcome to share your questions and ideas with me.


I am a recent Ph.D graduate from Nanjing University. During my doctoral studies, I was supervised by professor Guihai Chen and associate professor Haipeng Dai. I also collaborated extensively with professor Wei Wang. From 2011 to 2014, I am a member of XiaoMing-Lab.


  • mP-Gait: Fine-grained Parkinson’s Disease Gait Impairment Assessment with Robust Feature Analysis.

    Wenhao Zhang, Haipeng Dai, Dongyu Xia, Yang Pan, Zeshui Li, Wei Wang, Zhen Li, Lei Wang and Guihai Chen.
    ACM IMWUT(Ubicomp), 2024

  • PD-Gait: Contactless and Privacy-Preserving Gait Measurement of Parkinson's Disease Patients using Acoustic Signals.

    Zeshui Li, Yang Pan, Haipeng Dai, Wenhao Zhang, Zhen Li, Wei Wang and Guihai Chen.
    Software: Practice and Experience (SPE), 2023

  • PCIAS: Precise and Contactless Measurement of Instantaneous Angular Speed using a Smartphone.

    Zeshui Li, Haipeng Dai, Wei Wang, Alex X. Liu and Guihai Chen.
    ACM IMWUT(Ubicomp), 2019

  • Recognizing Driver Talking Direction in Running Vehicles with a Smartphone.

    Haipeng Dai, Alex X. Liu, Zeshui Li, Wei Wang, Fengmin Zhang and Chao Dong.
    IEEE MASS, 2019

  • Design and Implementation of Simple Transistor Tracer Based on LabVIEW.

    Zeshui Li, Weiling Liu, and Xiaoming Chang.
    National Embedded Instrument and SystemTechnology Academic Conference, 2013

My Hobby

  • Acoustic sensing in robot arm control.

  • MicroPython based on hardware platform such as Pyboard, Microbit, ESP8266 and ESP32. A NeoPixel led ring drived by ESP8266 is shown below.

  • CNC machine. I have a personal CNC machine, which effectively meets the needs of my DIY projects.

  • 3D printer. The 3D printer could help me make mechanical parts for the self-balancing robots and toys for my children.